Sharing a post here from Dr. Lawrence Brown (Author of The Black Butterfly ): Here’s the link for where Baltimore’s nonprofits can apply for the city’s allocation federal COVID relief dollars ($641 million). Applications are due December 31 and must meet certain criteria. Organizations in the Black Butterfly need to apply! But let me say—I’m not really a fan of application processes like this. First, grassroots advocacy organizations and groups without 501c3 status are not eligible. Second,...
The following opportunities focus on fellowships and grants in the area of arts and culture . Please add additional opportunities in this category by submitting them as a reply to this post.
The following opportunities focus on workshops and seminars . Please add additional opportunities in this category by submitting them as a reply to this post.
The following opportunities focus on fellowships and grants in the area of health and wellness . Please add additional opportunities in this category by submitting them as a reply to this post.
The following opportunities focus on fellowships and grants in the area of children and K-12 education . Please add additional opportunities in this category by submitting them as a reply to this post.
The following opportunities focus on fellowships and grants in the area of family support . Please add additional opportunities in this category by submitting them as a reply to this post.
The Fund for State Children and Youth Policy In 2023, the Annie E. Casey Foundation launched a fund to support policy changes in states to improve outcomes for young people ages birth through age 24. While there are a broad range of policy challenges and issues that impact the lives of young people, in 2024 the fund is seeking to support policies in three specific domains: Basic needs – This area focuses on state policies that promote access to health and mental health care, nutrition and...
The following opportunities focus on fellowships and grants in the area of strengthening communities . Please add additional opportunities in this category by submitting them as a reply to this post.
Deadlines are fast approaching for several Baltimore opportunities for grants and fellowships. If you have an opportunity to share, please be sure to include the deadline and links to the application by replying to this post.
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