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Weave Chicagoland

The vision of Weave: Chicagoland is to connect with local weavers, learn from one another and support each other’s efforts to weave deep relationships in the greater Chicago area.

I’m New Here: Hello!

Hi. I’m Bob, and I’m new to this group. I feel like I’ve been drawn to the processes of community-building for the past several decades, as a soccer coach, a public high school teacher, and a member of the Baha’i community. Baha’is throughout the world, millions, dedicate themselves to the building of communities based upon the spiritual principle of the “Oneness of Humanity,” the reality that all of us, in reality, are members of one human race, a single people, belong to one extended human family. I now live in Westchester, and my efforts to build community are centered in Chicago’s western suburbs.

Robert Blecher
Original Post