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Weave Chicagoland

The vision of Weave: Chicagoland is to connect with local weavers, learn from one another and support each other’s efforts to weave deep relationships in the greater Chicago area.

The Baha’i Faith is the most recent of the world’s independent religions. Its members accept Baha’u’llah (Arabic for “Glory of God”) as the Manifestation of God for this day and age. The most fundamental spiritual principle that animates the work of Baha’is, several million worldwide, is the concept of the “Oneness of Humankind.” This concept recognizes the truth that all of humanity is one people, a single human race, one extended family. Based on this principle, Baha’is work to transform the whole of society — heart by heart, community by community — from its present state of conflict and division toward the unity of all humanity as we come, gradually, to live in material prosperity and spiritual peace. The sacred Writings of the Faith prohibit all efforts at proselytizing, mandating that all Baha’i embrace and work with all peoples — of every religion, nation, and culture, etc… — in an active effort to include all peoples in the building of community. This is why I’m here, to walk side by side with others, like you, who desire that more and more people come together in genuine unity.

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