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Weave St. Louis

St. Louisans coming together to connect, explore, collaborate and build community.

August 2024 event - SLAM Underground: MUNDO

August 2024 event - SLAM Underground: MUNDO

This is a free event at the St. Louis Art Museum in Forest Park.  There will be art making, cocktails for purchase, music, and other performances. The events are inspired by the exhibit Art and Imagination in Spanish America.  For more info:

Weave St. Louis members will gather just inside the main doors of the main Art Museum entrance (the one the statue of St. Louis on his horse stands in front of) at 7:00 pm. We will not start heading towards the SLAM Underground events until 7:15 pm, to give everyone a chance to find us.
Please RSVP to this event.  Just click the blue "YES" bar below.  Thank you!

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