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Weave CommunityGroupsPeace + Justice

Peace + Justice

An online peer learning community to deepen our individual & collective healing, growth and impact as we weave for peace and justice.

Zoom (see description)

April P+J Gathering

How do you engage your best self in peacebuilding?

Guiding ourselves and one another to peace and justice is not just a mentality or approach. It is a skill set that requires practical competencies and strategies to engage the best version of ourselves and our community.

For our April 3rd session, Tom Kotlarek, a holistic spiritual guide and facilitator of empowerment, will guide us for illuminating discovery into the essence of peacemaking. In our session, we will learn together how to access transformation, foster common understanding and consider collective action in a Well-Being Circle. You can learn more about Tom by watching Love Is Power - Tom "The Shaman" Kotlarek on Trevor Kaucic’s podcast, The Best Self Blueprint.

Learn more of what you need in your own process of peacebuilding, as we build a virtual space for collective thought and action.

Zoom Joining information:

Meeting ID: 976 9271 2528


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