Introduce Yourself!
Welcome to 'Peace + Justice', we are so glad to have your presence in this online peer learning community. Please take a moment to introduce yourself in whatever format aligns for you! (written, video, audio, art, music, etc.)
Here are a few prompts to consider as you craft your intro:- What does peace mean to you? How does this intersect with justice?
- What compels you to Weave for Peace + Justice?
- For you, what does it look, sound and feel like to “weave” for peace and justice?
- What is most on your heart and mind in relation to the nature and attributes of the many facets of weaving for peace & justice?
- How does your life/work align with the Five Peace Actions? Or you might highlight one action that 'speaks' to you the most and why/how. The Five Peace Actions were created by the organization World Citizen Peace.
- Seek peace within yourself and others
- Respect diversity
- Protect our environment
- Reach out in service
- Be a responsible citizen of the world