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Weave CommunityGroupsPeace + Justice

Peace + Justice

An online peer learning community to deepen our individual & collective healing, growth and impact as we weave for peace and justice.


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Avi Dey 07/23/2024 Tuesday Healthy Lunch Hour at Vienna Metro Hub Ethnic Foodie Topic/Peace and Justice Historic NATO 75th Meeting Just concluded at Washington DC. Avi Cafe Twin Fx/0Summary I am not a NATO Nerd. But there are some here who are. But as a longtime advocacy and community outreach via CTV/LinkedIn social media, I see a tremendous lack of knowledge about this defensive alliance of now 30 nations commitment to joint security , and democratic processes of about a billion people in 30... [ more ]
Avi Dey Deep Dive on Peace &Justice -- A War Zone 2024 + Suffering and dying at Ukraine-- , Palestine __Civilians . Sudan ....., Can Power of Human Thoughts over choice of War can make more sense to leaders of aggressor nations, not possible now, but may be just may be, when the current generation of war advocacy leaders of war advocacy leaders are gone in the next 2 decades at most? Even more deep dive: what binding internation pledge is possible to put in place for next war provoking national... [ more ]
Martin V. Paye,Sr ❀️
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May Day Peace-Building!
Frances Kraft ❀️

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Stretching Past Our Fears in Peacemaking
Kate Towle Good to hear from you, @Lisa Krupp ! I would love to connect soon and hear how World Citizen Peace is doing. We promote the five peace actions in each one of our sessions. I'll be delighted whenever you are able to join us! @Kate Towle [ more ]
Lisa Krupp Thank you Kate for the comprehensive summary. I am sorry I was unable to attend, it sounds like a wonderful session. Thank you and your team for all of these opportunities, I look forward to attending when my schedule allows. [ more ]
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Re-Solutions: Setting Our Intentions for Peace & Justice in the New Year

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Reflections: Living Room Conversations
Jimena Cuenca ❀️
Marion transetti ❀️

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Video Tutorial - Posting & Navigating
Frances Kraft ❀️

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Five Peace Actions
Katya Jadwick ❀️

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Our Agreements
Katya Jadwick ❀️

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