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Peace + Justice

An online peer learning community to deepen our individual & collective healing, growth and impact as we weave for peace and justice.

Welcome to the Weave Peace + Justice topic group! We are very glad you are here. The vision for this online peer learning community is to deepen our individual & collective healing, growth and impact as we weave for peace and justice.

Ways to Contribute to this Online Space

We are growing this group together and we invite you to share about what you're up to and how we can support each other’s peace + justice weaving work. Here are some ways to engage:

1. Introduce Yourself: We have a discussion page dedicated to getting a little glimpse into one another's stories, which helps weave us together for peace + justice. Tell us about yourself on this page.

2. Join Upcoming peace +  justice centered Gatherings and Events. Head to the calendar and you are also welcome to add/share other relevant happenings here.  We meet virtually on the first Wednesday of each month.

3. Add to the Discussion(s): Share and respond to questions, ideas, musings, comments and more via our general discussions forum.  Check back here regularly.

4. Exchange Resources:

  • Know of any grants of funding opportunities for peace + justice? Add them here.
  • In need of volunteers for your next event? Or maybe you have a set of great conversation starters you want to share? The Ask & Offer Marketplace forum is a space to exchange a variety of goods and services.
  • And if you have tools and skills that aren't time-bound, add them to the Resources page.

5. Know of any peace + justice centered weaving organizations? We're starting a directory and you can add ones you know to this list.

6. How do YOU want to connect and use this space? Reply in the comments and also know that we will also create opportunities to gather your feedback and input.

Video Tutorial
If a video tutorial about posting and navigating in the group would be helpful for you, please review

Update Notifications
You can set your notification preferences to weekly or daily and get instant alerts to newly posted events. Update your settings (and make sure they're not going to spam) by: Click your name in the top right > Your Settings > Notifications > Subgroup Follows > Peace + Justice . Or just click here

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us at any time!
Weave Peace + Justice Co-Leads

@Julie Lillie @Kate Towle  @Lyndon Rego @Caren Stelson  @darlene

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Deep Dive on Peace &Justice -- A War Zone 2024 +

Suffering and dying at Ukraine-- , Palestine __Civilians . Sudan ....., Can Power of Human Thoughts  over choice of War can make more sense to leaders of aggressor nations, not possible now, but may be just may be, when the current generation of war advocacy leaders of war advocacy leaders are gone in the next 2 decades at most?

Even more deep dive: what binding internation pledge is possible to put in place for next war provoking national leaders that can be binding for such Nations as the 3 war provoking leaders now as War Continues In and civilians suffer most?

Avi Dey

07/23/2024 Tuesday Healthy Lunch Hour at Vienna Metro Hub Ethnic Foodie

Topic/Peace and Justice Historic NATO 75th Meeting Just concluded at Washington DC.

Avi Cafe Twin Fx/0Summary

I am not a NATO Nerd. But there are some here who are. But as a longtime advocacy and community outreach via CTV/LinkedIn social media, I see a tremendous lack of knowledge about this defensive alliance of now 30 nations commitment to joint security , and democratic processes of about a billion people in 30 nations.

For those of us, here at DC Hub, and hometown USA, can weave together to identify opportunities to connect and build trust and friendships .

02.But start but becoming how and why this 30 nations partnership has gotten stronger, and better today , since end of WW2. Hint/Geman Marshall Fund facilitating NATO public Discourse now is even stronger and better also.

Avi Dey

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