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Peace + Justice

An online peer learning community to deepen our individual & collective healing, growth and impact as we weave for peace and justice.

Reimagining Patriotism: Exploring Care and Connection in Civic Engagement

Reimagining Patriotism: Exploring Care and Connection in Civic Engagement

As we honor the 23rd anniversary of 9/11, we will invite participants on a journey to discover the power of relational engagement over hyper-individualism, as introduced in Weave's Relationalist Manifesto. This session will center the transformative impact of empathy, community bonds, and unity in dialogue about our national identity. Attendees will be called to reflect upon our experiences with patriotism and how we might surface values and approaches that create a braver, more compassionate and inclusive society. We will work together to plant seeds for patriotism that envisions shared learning, action and trust at the heart of democracy.

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Meeting ID: 976 9271 2528


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