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Weave CommunityGroupsPeace + Justice

Peace + Justice

An online peer learning community to deepen our individual & collective healing, growth and impact as we weave for peace and justice.

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Dear Weavers, May 1 gathering will be my last day as an official co-lead for this group!  It has been a wonderful experience launching the first virtual group in the Weave Community. This past year of collaborating, learning and sharing with so many folks dedicated to peace and justice has been a gift. I look forward to continuing my Weaving  and service with in-person offerings and imagine I will join future Weave P+J gatherings as a participant.

@Kate Towle, I cannot thank you enough for your heart-centered leadership and model as a Weaver.  You amaze me and we are all so lucky to have you in this space, as a Welcome Weaver and beyond!

@Darlene Cain @Caren Stelson @Lyndon Rego -  thank you for all your contributions to the Weave P+J community, it has been wonderful to be connected!

@Maria Oah and @Frances Kraft - thank you for all the help in holding this space for folks dedicated to Weaving for peace and justice.

Much love!

Julie Lillie
Last edited by Julie Lillie

@Julie Lillie, thank you for helping us to get started. I'm grateful for your strong, committed efforts to ground us in a monthly practice of exploring the delicate and elusive nature of building peace and justice right where we are and beyond. You belong to our group!  We will wholeheartedly welcome you whenever your schedule permits you to join us.

And I am VERY excited about the publication of your textbook on culturally-responsive, trauma-informed peacebuilding that will be published this fall!

Wishing you continued success!

@Kate Towle

Kate Towle

@Julie Lillie, Your wisdom and leadership has been an incredible gift to the P+J group and the Weave Community as a whole. Thank you for dreaming and creating together and helping to pioneer topic groups that will support weavers for years to come. I look forward to staying in touch and hope you continue to share your work and book updates with us all! ๐Ÿ™‚ 

Maria Oah

05/14/2024 Tuesday Afternoon

Ms. Julie Lillie Topic:   Peace + Justice

An online peer learning community to deepen our individual & collective healing, growth and impact as we weave for peace and justice.
Avi/Cafe Twin Fx VA Hub Geo (P+J Feedback 01): "Peace + Justice" is a very old  inspiration for many here in USA, and globally.  In particular, here in USA, Church, Temple, and other Spiritual Organizations, features "Peace & Justice" on a regular and periodic basis, usually on "Sunday events" for Churches, and Saturday  spirtual events for Synagogues.
(01) I am pursuing this topic over the past several years, in my N.VA Fairfax Geo of 2 Million+ residents, first via an "Inter-Faith Culture & Spirituality" on a community level. I live in an "intensly multi-culture, multi-faith urban hub/Rural support geo of 2 million+ residents.
(02) Several years ago, after incurring life threatening medical issue in my family of 3, I felt the needs to seek out spirituality deep dives of spiritual cultures, my own, yes, from Historic India, and also other cultures, in particular, 3 Christian Churches in my neighborhood for their Sunday Moring Service Alernately, and 1 Synagogue, Saturday Morning Service. All located within short distance of my residence at S.Arlington, at the border of Fairfax County, VA. I did this "personal and neighborhood" based for about 2 years past, and was able to establish meaningful communications via church congregation members, working on such church undertakings as
(0101) Choir Singing Group (Amazed at the singing talents on each of these 3 churches, somewhat different focus on each but singing together is a  common characteristic, and sing along of congregation present at the service as a pathway to express spirituality and connectivity.
(0102) Church "Food Collection" including "Church located Community Garden" supplemental to food support for needy in our geo.  This is also a characteristic of all 3 churches , each executed somewhat different. I supported this activity for each church, when I was present, and enjoyed the connectivity, trust , and helping out at the Catholic Church community garden, as a support person for the Garden activity with a stated goal of providing healthy vegies,such as Squash, Okra, beans, and few more, to church member take home, and rest added to  "food collection"  for the needy.
(0103) Pursuing "Peace + Justice" in  a variety of ways, depending on the Church, and Synagogue. In my case, the Synagogue is a "Reform Synagogue" and not "Orthodox", I have borrowed a copy of their regular Saturday Service prayer and spiritual singing, that I continue to learn, as same via the Catholic Church prayer book, which I have returned at the end of 2 years back to them. Catholic Church network is pretty strong, as is their Charitable Foundation work. They have several "food distribution" ways for the needy, including people who are homeless can come for a free prepared meal in the evening.  At Old Town Alexandria, when I am their for my regular errand, I see a long line of homeless , waiting for their free evening meal, at the Catholic Church Food Distribution Center.  Trully amazing and impressive ,  created centuries ago, based on  philosophy of Jesus, put to practice via Catholic Charities Foundation.
So, this is my own pathway preparation to "Peace+Justice". Now there is a 2nd pathway for me taken from my own spiritual heritage from historic India, which has a historic link, still present in the culture of modern South Asian nations of  Bangla Desh, India, Nepal, Pakistan, and also Afghanisthan.  All linked to "Arab" culture after Islamic Arab Armies succeeded by war, across the Hindu Kush mountains into the plains of historic India, starting about a century after the Prophet of Islam existence in  8th Century AD.
So relating to this topic, I like to focus on the Holy Land, birth place of Judio-Christian-Islamic western religions.  I will leave out Russia/Ukrain War for now. Economic power of women in Russia , and to lesser extent, in Ukraine , is very very weak, unlike in modern day India, in my roots. Or in the 3 small Baltic nations, one of which is Estonia, where women political leaders exist as well as women leaders have succeeded unlike in Russia, in the 20th and 21st Century.
My Google Photo Album Title:
Motivate-"Seek Common Grounds" --Prepare for Israel & Palestine . Why? How? (2025+)


Images (1)
  • GrudwaraW: What is "Langar Seva" Tradition in the Sikh Culture--one of the newest religions in the world
Avi Dey

05/14/2024 Tuesday Afternoon

Ms. Julie Lillie Topic:   Peace + Justice  .  An online peer learning community to deepen our individual & collective healing, growth and impact as we weave for peace and justice.

01. (Previous Post) Avi/Cafe Twin Fx VA Hub Geo (P+J Feedback 01): "Peace + Justice" is a very old  inspiration for many here in USA, and globally.  In particular, here in USA, Church, Temple, and other Spiritual Organizations, features "Peace & Justice" on a regular and periodic basis, usually on "Sunday events" for Churches, and Saturday  spirtual events for Synagogues. ..........
02. (Current Post: 10/01/2024 Tuesday):  "For Peace + Justice" on a community level takes  (01) "community of vitality" fist. If one does not live in a "community of vitality", then likely the best move for a person or family is to "move" to a "Community of Vitality" if  possible as an easy option to enable "community level" trust building and connectivity necessary to enable pursuit of  "Peace & justice". (02) Next issue , and only other issue, is "Social Capital" linked to having a strong "Social Capital Infrastructure"  in that particular neighborhood, or community.  Here at Fairfax County, N.VA Hub geo,  I am fortunate to have lived in a community that have both required elements  (01) Community of Vitality and (02) well-developed infrastructures for "Social Capital".  But those persons who would like to learn more about "Community of Vitality"  for their respective. and then "(02) Social Capital use to build "Peace and Justice" goal,  I like to suggest we discuss in future, the recently published deep learning economic report by Harvard University Economist,
Thriving Communities Vs Not Thriving Communities is a key factor whether "black" or  low income "white" kids do well or not so well to climb out of poverty 2024++   Raj Chetty Economist
Avi Dey
Cafe Twin FX
Working On  "Healthy Chef A--A Community TV Show to strengthen
Life Styles of Wellness via Arts & Science, Cafe Twin".
Avi Dey

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