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Peace + Justice

An online peer learning community to deepen our individual & collective healing, growth and impact as we weave for peace and justice.

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Seek out volunteering opportunities at your local jail or prison. Iโ€™ve been volunteering at San Quentin State Prison for the last three years. Before the pandemic I was going in every week to work with the men who wrote and published the San Quentin News, a print and digital publication with 35,000 circulation around the country.

Going in and working with the men each week is an important part of their rehabilitation, helping them develop social skills that theyโ€™ll need when they return to the community - which 90% of them will do (most people donโ€™t realize this is the case, even for those with life sentences). It also raised my awareness about social justice and how difficult it is for many of these men who were raised in extremely difficult circumstances to avoid getting involved in risky activities that eventually led to their incarceration.

Since I started doing this work Iโ€™ve told many others about it, sharing how eye-opening itโ€™s been for me in terms of completely changing my perception of who the incarcerated are and what we as a society should be doing to prepare them for their eventual release. This is how I promote peace and justice.

Tom Short
Last edited by Tom Short

Title:  SHIRKAT-- Urdu Word Meaning Participation, Partnership, and Company

Avi/Cafe Twin Fx Summary:

2023 Global Seed Grants
Nankana Shahib, Punjab, Pakistan
a place where, People of different cultures, sects come together to laugh, share, learn and interact
This place, Nankana Shahib, a place of Sikh Heritage,  project brings toghter, Joint dialogues, Joint  training, joint exposures, joint social cohesion,
Create inclusive society for peaceful co-existence, by initiating sustainable social cohesion, all over Pakisthan
02: My Related Project (Pre-Proposal) : Historic India-Afghanisthan Twin Project USA (Preview)
Memory of Guru Nanak, founder of Sikhism (A Contemporary of Babur, 1st Mughal who stormed across the Hindu Kush from his military base in Kabul: 

Let God's grace be the mosque, and devotion the prayer mat. Let the Quran be the good conduct.    Guru Nanak  (1469-1539)



Images (1)
  • Guru-Arjan-Dev-Ji-3: Guru Arjan Deb (1469-1539)  .  The pacifist guru, put to death by the Mugal Emperor of his time.
Avi Dey

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