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Peace + Justice

An online peer learning community to deepen our individual & collective healing, growth and impact as we weave for peace and justice.

Reposting an invitation that may be of interest to the group

As you may know, in 2015 all members of the United Nations agreed on 17 goals to build a world of peace, dignity and prosperity on a healthy planet, commonly known as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), to be achieved by 2030.

As you are aware, progress to date has been disappointing. It became clear that to achieve the external goals, we need to develop inner capabilities that will enable us to attain them. This was the starting point for Inner Development Goals, β€œIDG”, a not for profit open source initiative to develop transformational skills for sustainable development.

IDG wants the global community to help determine what these skills should be. It has developed a β€œone question survey”:

What qualities, abilities or skills do we need to develop to build a sustainable future for people and planet?

The goal is to obtain 2 million respondents from 200 countries in over 50 languages, to be sure the answers are inclusive of all perspectives. The official launch of the survey is September 19th.

Please take the time to answer the IDG Global Survey in the next week. You can answer it in your own preferred language; you’ll find access to the various languages on the site. You can also access the site by using the IDG Global Survey link.

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