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Peace + Justice

An online peer learning community to deepen our individual & collective healing, growth and impact as we weave for peace and justice.


My name is CT Ehler, and I am a legal service representative and mediator. Peace and Justice issues always intrigued me, and for a long time I was genuinely interested in Alternative Dispute Resolution before I changed my profession. I long time volunteer and activist, former teacher and clinical healthcare practitioner, I transitioned into the legal and mediation profession during the 2020 pandemic. I also started a podcast to explore these issues as well, but I admit it's not a very popular topic to podcast about peace!

I am drawn to advocacy issues, and learning more about how we can connect people to conflict resolution strategies for empowerment in a supportive way.

I am really open to exploring and learning more about Weavers and the Peace and Justice community. I am excited to learn and grow together.

Thank you for including me in this community.

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