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Weave CommunityGroupsPeace + Justice

Peace + Justice

An online peer learning community to deepen our individual & collective healing, growth and impact as we weave for peace and justice.

What a powerful gathering today in partnership with Euphrates Institute! Thank you to everyone who joined to listen, share, process and harvest.

Here are the resources that were shared:

  1. Regulate (relate, reason): PBNA Strategy
  2. Feelings/ Emotions list
  3. "Too much on our plate gives us indigestion. But sometimes the way we handle our overcrowded schedules is like trying to cure indigestion by eating even more. .. In written Chinese the characters for "busy" are "heart" plus"killing." Besides the physical diseases stress is known to cause strokes, heart attacks, diabetes, and ulcers, among others- it also closes our heart spiritually and emotionally." ~ From Baraz, James, and Shoshana Alexander. Awakening Joy: 10 Steps That Will Put You on the Road to Real Happiness. Bantam Books, 2010
  4. Setting Boundaries & Center for Nonviolent Communication:
    • Messages within Anger (regulate)
    • I Feel...
    • Because I need/value...
    • Would you be willing to...
    • Are you feeling... because you need...?
  5. Discussions: Where is your struggle/challenge with nonviolent communication, boundary setting and voices/advocating for your needs?  How can you develop that?

    Set an intention: What do you want to set free?

  6. "To assume the best about people is an inherently selfish act, because the life you change first is your own. Nothing is sustainable without boundaries. "   ~Dr. Brene Brown (video)

We are seeking new co-leads for Peace + Justice!

Consider joining Euphrates Global Connection calls (first Wednesday of the month ), sign up for their newsletter for more information.

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