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Atlas CareMap session #3: Reflecting on sharing your Caremap with others

Atlas CareMap session #3: Reflecting on sharing your Caremap with others

As part of the Atlas CareMap module in the Weave Learning Center, we are pleased to offer 4 free sessions with the creators to support your learning. Each lesson builds upon the last, and you’re invited to attend all 4 sessions.

To get the most out of each Live Session, we recommend completing its corresponding lesson of this course.

Session #4 will be held on April 25 from 12:00pm - 1:00pm Eastern Time (9:00am Pacific): We’ll focus on the ideas in the β€œGoing Further” module β€” personalizing your map and considering the past and future β€” and on the fundamental idea of observing and visualizing aspects of day-to-day living.

To get the most out of the session, please complete Units 1–5 (read, and do exercises and reflections).

Review course materials and sign up here.

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