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Creating Just Cultures of Peace in Education

Come hear Julie Lillie talk about her new book, Empowering Peace and Justice Education: An Actionable Framework for Elementary Educators and Learners! This guidebook offers actionable strategies to embed peace education in your life, classroom and school culture. Featuring over 100 lessons and practices, it emphasizes culturally relevant pedagogy, trauma informed care and creating brave, democratic spaces for a more just and peaceful world.

Our Weave Peace & Justice Group is guided by the five peace actions of our partner, World Citizen Peace:

  • Seek peace within yourself and others;
  • Reach out in service;
  • Protect the environment;
  • Respect diversity; and
  • Be a responsible citizen of the world.

As we weave together for peace & justice, which of the peace actions call to you, challenge you and inspire you?

Let's talk about it - while learning about Julie's book!

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Yours in weaving for peace & justice,

Kate Towle, Co-Facilitator

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