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Summit: "What If We Connect Community Movements from Around the World?"


Summit: "What If We Connect Community Movements from Around the World?"
Hi all!
I wanted to warmly welcome you to an experimental virtual gathering this month which I've ended up helping host along with some other amazing community innovators from around the world.
Peter Pula, founder of Axiom news and Generative Journalism (a blend of journalism Asset-Based Community-driven Development), is the core coordinator. He and his team will lead us through a process blending participatory / generative practices based upon his and Axiom's year of trials and learnings at the community level in Peterborough, Canada.
February 23, 2023
10:00 ET | 3:00 UK - 3:00 ET | 8 UK
(click the link above to see a full description)
We Are Inviting Shenanigans for Community Possibilities Not Yet Named

"Let's put aside all the pressure and get out of the mess of systems. Let's make the magic and mystery of community visible and tangible, accessible, contagious, powerful enough to shift us into living as one with each other and all of the natural world.

Community is our life.

Amongst and between us we have the tools and tricks to build bridges across the water. It is possible to walk forward together into mystery with a shared sense that we know the way. By holding everyone in their journey we can uncover the steppingstones, jump from the superficial to the meaningful, and choose our own accountabilities.

We stand on floorboards made from relationships, living with our feet on the ground. With our connections, we can push past the status quo. We can create new narratives to foster our futures journey. We can celebrate each voice, dream, and challenge without judgment.

In good company, we will learn to make the world a better place for all. We will achieve and experience more together than alone. Together we will help reduce fear, activate and enable citizens to benefit their community.

We can Be. Together.

We are making a global space for belonging and connection to inspire and support us each in our work. We have momentum. A better world is possible. "

~ ~ ~

There's no commitment beyond showing up for this one session and being present.
It would be wonderful to have you there!
Please feel free to invite others, of course, or suggest places we might also post this. Also, if you already know of people doing this elsewhere, let me know so we can be strategic about partnership rather than duplication.
~ April 
Indianapolis, IN
(941) 266-9232

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