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Weaving Across Generations

Inspired by our last newsletter, Weave is hosting Let’s Talk: Weaving Across Generations to explore how creating intergenerational connections between young people and older adults can be a powerful force to tackle the national epidemic of loneliness and isolation. Let’s Talk conversations feel like dinner parties where we explore a specific topic with a few weavers working in the field as resources.

Our resource weavers for Let’s Talk: Weaving Across Generations will be Aditi Merchant, co-founder of Big and Mini, an organization that has helped create over 15,000 friendships across generations through virtual and in-person conversations, and Jay Bloom, who leads initiatives in the Portland, OR, area that are working to transform Portland into an age-friendly city.

The hour-long talk happens on Zoom February 13th, 2024 at 9pm ET/ 6pm PT

RSVP here: https://aspeninstitute.tfaform...caid=701Rm000006cPrZ

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