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What makes a thriving community?

All the evidence tells us that having a welcoming, inclusive, and connected community is vital to our wellbeing and happiness. And yet in many parts of the world, that sense of community is under threat. The combination of rising extremism, increasing financial inequality, and the underfunding of local services has weakened our homes and neighbourhoods. So what needs to happen to help communities thrive? What ingredients are essential to building a connected, strong community? And what role can we all play as members of our own communities to ensure the people in them are cared for and valued?


  • @Frances Kraft, Senior Manager for Engagement at Weave: the Social Fabric Project
  • @Ashley (Ash) Esposito, 2021 Baltimore Weaver Awardee
  • Dr. Julien Abel, Founder of Compassionate Communities UK
  • Peter Waiswa, Founder of Uganda Compassion Connectors

Hosted by Global Compassion Coalition in partnership with Weave: the Social Fabric Project

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