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Reply to "Find a buddy to work through Atlas CareMap module together"

Just a reminder that we will meet Friday online to work through Rajiv Mehta's Atlas of Caring care map activity together. Here are the details:

Hello Weavers!

It's good to take a step back from time to time to get a sense of the big picture of the connections in our lives: the people who nurture us, the people we are reaching out to in times of vulnerability, the "inescapable network of mutuality" that holds us all, as Martin Luther King, Jr. puts it.

Would you like to explore your own web of care and connection?

Have you been wanting to check out @Rajiv Mehta's Atlas CareMap module in the Weave Learning Center?

@Carol Steinfeld and I are hosting a series of six weekly gatherings on Zoom to work through these sessions starting Friday, October 25th at 5 pm ET/2 pm PT.  Here's the Zoom link we'll be using each week:
Meeting ID: 733 799 7160 Passcode: 777
One tap mobile: +17207072699,,7337997160#,,,,*777# (Denver)

The first meeting will be an introduction--you won't have to do any reading ahead of time!

Reach out to me with any questions, either here on Weave or by emailing!


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Carol Steinfeld