Thank you for your kind words. I too am trying to see the world with "beginner eyes" . I notice when I cannot change the external circumstances, my only other response is to turn inward to navigate and notice what is happening inside of me. And to find ease in difficult times through prayer and meditation. Much of my meditation practice is rooted in my Christian faith and learning from Christian contemplatives like those at the Center for Action and Contemplation .
I have been practicing Traditional Thai Massage for about 5 years, and this work has brought me to the concept of Metta- loving kindness. I follow the work of Pierce Salquero to be more informed around Buddhism as medicine. I do feel that adopting some Buddhist practices just deepens my own faith of origin.
Lastly, from a more clinical perspective I am a Healing Touch Program- Apprentice with plans to complete Level 5 to have practitioner status. HTP curriculum is full of different meditations from various practitioners. My psychotherapist introduced me to this group after I became a Licensed Massage and Bodywork Therapist in North Carolina. This was the integration I was looking for and it really resonated with my interest in spirituality and science. Something about this training just clicked with me and I use it almost daily to ground and center when working with clients and for myself.
I hope i didn't over explain! Haha, When you asked this question, "Do you have a practice ?" I kind of went, " Phew, that is a big question for me." My practice has been a real journey of curiosity to find what resonates most. Thank you for asking your question, it has really encouraged me to flesh out my answer.
Cheers !