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Join the Conversation!

Drop in and tell us what you hope to do to build community in the new year! Whoever shows is whoever is supposed to be there. Bring some water or other bubbly to toast.

On Wednesday at 7pm Eastern, 6pm Central, 5pm Mountain and 4pm Pacific, Weave members on the hub gather via online video to engage informally with one another, learn together, and discover what’s at the heart of weaving.

Whether we discuss diverse topics that are relevant to weaving; share take-aways from online circles or explore the skills and best practices of weavers, this is time set aside to get to know one another from across the country and around the world.

This is your space if you would like to build your Weave network, learn about the challenges and joys of weaving in different geographies, and co-create a space to share stories and ideas, listen and support one another. We value your participation and your ideas in helping to bring our community together.

We meet for roughly an hour, but you are invited to pop in for as long as your time allows. This is also an opportunity for you to invite other Weave members -– or a friend you’d like to introduce to our network.

Your suggestions for making our time together more meaningful are always welcome. Please post any questions or thoughts in the comment section below.

If there are any accommodations our team can provide to ensure a meaningful experience, please let us know at

You can check out our community guidelines at

Here's the Zoom link we'll be using:

Click on this direct Zoom link with embedded password:

Meeting ID: 733 799 7160

Passcode: 777

Or call in: One tap mobile +13092053325,,7337997160#,,,,*777# US +13126266799,,733

As we cultivate our online community together, here are some things to keep in mind:

Stories stay and learning leaves

Be 100% present

Share the mic

Listen deeply

Share your truth

No β€œfixing” others (we’re here to take our own journey)

Suspend judgment and identify your own assumptions

You can pass- we respect silence

Maintain confidentiality

If things get difficult, turn to wonder

Adapted from Estrus Tucker, Facilitator at the Center for Courage and Renewal

Please let us know whether you can attend below (Yes, No, or Maybe); this helps us as we plan our events.

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