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Weave CommunityGroupsPeace + Justice

Peace + Justice

An online peer learning community to deepen our individual & collective healing, growth and impact as we weave for peace and justice.


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Embracing conflict in pursuit of peace
Avi Dey Topic/Embrace Conflict in Pursuit of Peace" : Understand the 21st Century value of the ancient Zoroastrian spiritual philosophy of Perennial Good vs Evil struggle in human existence. But now we can Link via SHIRKAT-- Urdu Word Meaning Participation, Partnership, and Company Summary: Shirkit A place of Cohesion. Place: Nankana Sahib, Punjab, Pakistan. Diane Brause (Mentor) : This place, Nankana Shahib, a place of Sikh Heritage, project brings toghter, Joint dialogues, Joint training, joint... [ more ]
Avi Dey Topic/Embrace Conflict in Pursuit of Peace" : To really have a deep dive appreciation, one need to understand the 21st Century value of the ancient Zoroastrian spiritual philosophy of Perennial Good vs Evil struggle in human existence. This philosophy was passed on to the Hebrew when they were freed from slavery by Cyrus The Great in Babylon. emEventualy, to Christianity, all sects today, 2 generations after Jesus. Remember and appreciate today this spiritual heritage to go forward here in 21 . [ more ]
Lyndon Rego ❀️
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Rhode Island/Boston Weavers?
Razvan Dominic Ionescu Hi Trent! Great to connect - I am based in Philadelphia but travel regularly to Boston for work. I will be sure to let you know before next time, as it seems we share environmental interests. I was in Boston last week for a few days, and I was able to recruit a fellow environmental enthusiast in my network (whom I had not met previously!) to join me in picking up litter. To me picking up litter is "beginner level" environmental action that almost everyone can carry out, and a restorative way... [ more ]
Trent Batson Nate: I guess it's not surprising that any good climate news would be used to perpetuate wealth accumulation. Yes, I am an academic, but retired now. However, I am in touch with influential academic leaders who see, as I do, that human society everywhere needs repair, connections, hope, belonging -- in other words, that the traits of humans in evolutionary time -- up until farming when we started to believe we humans owned the earth -- our cooperation and empathy, must re-emerge. "Belonging... [ more ]
Nathan Hult Trent. That 2 years of great snowpack and recovery of the Great Salt Lake has turned out to be a curse. The Utah legislature found it as confirmation that climate change is fake. They have failed to take real corrective action to save the lake and will find out only when very expensive remediation is required to save health and lives. I became acquainted with Bill McKibbon when I read his book, Falter, some years ago. I did not know he has started an action group, Third Act. As a cultural... [ more ]
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Upcoming Virtual Event: What Christian, Jewish, and Muslim Views of Justice mean for Palestine
Peter Digitale Anderson There are plenty, here and there. If you're looking for specifically for interfaith perspectives, you likely have at least one interfaith group in your region who will host regularly conversation or webinars. If you have a university with a religion department, they also might have events focused on interfaith dialogue or comparative religion. If you're specifically looking for more on Palestine, check out: this in-person event I hosted a couple weeks ago with Palestinian pastor Munther... [ more ]
Chantel Ehler Thank you! I'm curious to learn if there are other events like this as well. Cheers. [ more ]
Peter Digitale Anderson Hi Chantel, yes there is! You can watch the recording here: [ more ]
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Seeking Co-Leads!
Avi Dey 05/14/2024 Tuesday Afternoon Ms. Julie Lillie Topic: Peace + Justice An online peer learning community to deepen our individual & collective healing, growth and impact as we weave for peace and justice. Avi/Cafe Twin Fx VA Hub Geo (P+J Feedback 01): "Peace + Justice" is a very old inspiration for many here in USA, and globally. In particular, here in USA, Church, Temple, and other Spiritual Organizations, features "Peace & Justice" on a regular and periodic basis, usually on "Sunday... [ more ]
Maria Oah @Julie Lillie , Your wisdom and leadership has been an incredible gift to the P+J group and the Weave Community as a whole. Thank you for dreaming and creating together and helping to pioneer topic groups that will support weavers for years to come. I look forward to staying in touch and hope you continue to share your work and book updates with us all! πŸ™‚ [ more ]
Maria Oah ❀️
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How do you promote Peace + Justice
Avi Dey Title: SHIRKAT-- Urdu Word Meaning Participation, Partnership, and Company Avi/Cafe Twin Fx Summary: 2023 Global Seed Grants https://lisleinternational. org/about/board-meetings/ interaction/#flipbook-df_1644/ 4/ Nankana Shahib, Punjab, Pakistan a place where, People of different cultures, sects come together to laugh, share, learn and interact This place, Nankana Shahib, a place of Sikh Heritage, project brings toghter, Joint dialogues, Joint training, joint exposures, joint social... [ more ]
Darlene Cain I show up in spaces that promote peace and love to our communities and bring love from my heart [ more ]
Julie Lillie @Tom Short that sounds very impactful, what a way to 'reach out in service'! @Maggie Osborn a simple gesture like friendly body language can indeed go a long ways! Thanks for sharing! [ more ]
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Marion transetti Thank you very much Peter πŸ™‚ Yes indeed, this conflict (which by the way has a death toll even higher than the one in Gaza!!!!!!!) is ignored... why? This would be a very long conversation. But answering this question is not the most important. What is is to find ways to finally talk about it. This is what we try to do with this webinar. Zeirra was living in Sudan till very recently, she just relocated in Egypt a few days ago. It will be... [ more ]
Peter Digitale Anderson Thank you for sharing this! The crisis in Sudan is far too ignored in the media right now. And it's so valuable for community weavers to have an opportunity to hear from peacebuilders in other placesβ€”it's a chance to both learn from others' experiences of community both persisting and collapsing in the face of violence, and to learn more about how interconnected our world is and how peace or violence in one place reverberates across the globe. [ more ]
Peter Digitale Anderson ❀️
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Peace & Justice: Weaving in Personal Relationships
Marion transetti Thank you very much @Kate Towle . I had no idea! πŸ™‚ I have just visited the and it's so inspiring! Thank you again. Yes, I will be with you on the 6th of December. I wish you a peaceful Sunday πŸ€— [ more ]
Kate Towle Hi @Marion transetti ! The Five Peace Actions are the foundation of our Peace & Justice group and they’ve been brought to us by the organization World Citizen Peace ( - Seek peace within yourself and others - Reach out in service - Protect the environment - Respect diversity - Be a responsible citizen of the world We hope you’ll join our next circle on Wed., Dec. 6th from 11:00am to 12:30pm Central. My best, @Kate Towle [ more ]
Marion transetti πŸ‘
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The Conscious Leadership Tree is Live Now
Lyndon Rego Thanks for contributing to this resource, Julie! [ more ]
Julie Lillie What a wonderful resource, excited to dig in and share. Thanks, Lyndon! [ more ]
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ResourcesWeaving Organizations
World Citizen Peace
Avi Dey To enable Peace action, peace thinking, the ugly evil face that show up, time to time, in every nation, here in America, needs deep thinking. I give you an example that just occured, in the City of my birth, Kolkata, India at midnight , August 08, 2024. This was 2 nights before, my birth, on August 10, many years ago, in the same city to a teen mom, whose memory show up on my face today and everyday when I look at the mirror!! Well, at a university hospital center , midnight , force of evil... [ more ]
Katya Jadwick ❀️
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Stretching Past Our Fears in Peacemaking
Kate Towle Good to hear from you, @Lisa Krupp ! I would love to connect soon and hear how World Citizen Peace is doing. We promote the five peace actions in each one of our sessions. I'll be delighted whenever you are able to join us! @Kate Towle [ more ]
Lisa Krupp Thank you Kate for the comprehensive summary. I am sorry I was unable to attend, it sounds like a wonderful session. Thank you and your team for all of these opportunities, I look forward to attending when my schedule allows. [ more ]
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Virtual Book Club: Alternative to War

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Become a Peace messenger!!!!!
Julie Lillie ❀️
Peter Digitale Anderson ❀️
Kate Towle Thank you, Marion, for letting us know about this opportunity! @Kate Towle [ more ]
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Inquiry is the Answer (Wicked Questions)
Frances Kraft ❀️
Kate Towle ❀️
Katya Jadwick Thank you, Kate for sharing your wisdom and inspiration and for leading us in such an enriching and eye opening process! πŸ™ [ more ]
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Memory Of Overland Silk Rd Inspire 21st Cntry Resurrectn- West to Mdle East -Peace, Justice & Prosperity for All (B2J) ! 02. Memory of Historic Silk Road Twin-Hub-(B2J) _

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ResourcesWeaving Organizations
World BEYOND War
Avi Dey πŸ™

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ResourcesWeaving Organizations
Euphrates Institute

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This Takes Time!
Lyndon Rego Sorry to have missed the gathering. This is a wonderful summary! Thanks Kate! [ more ]
Lyndon Rego ❀️
Katya Jadwick Beautiful, Kate!! Thank you for sharing the Mark Nepo poem and what you and Andrea discussed in your breakout. Incredibly insightful and so inspiring! This is sacred work of the heart that we are doing. Ever grateful to you and this group. πŸ™ [ more ]
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Looking for a Peace + Justice Weaving Community

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Nominate young peacebuilders for Peace Catalyst's Young Innovators Award
Marion transetti ❀️
Nate Tubbs ❀️

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There Are No Promises
Maria Oah ❀️
Julie Lillie An invitation to be present AND respond the best we can to what is right in front of us - thank you for sharing this, @Katya Jadwick [ more ]
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Our Peace and Justice Journey
Maggie Osborn ❀️
Maria Oah ❀️
Darlene Cain Thank you for taking a moment to get to know the inner me .Please join us for our launch July 5 and share with others so we can be the β€œChange” [ more ]
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ResourcesWeaving Organizations
Education for Global Peace
Katya Jadwick ❀️

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Upcoming free workshops: Community Peacebuilding, Identity and Conflict, Challenging Christian Nationalism, and more

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What's Listening Got to Do with It?

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Regulate, Boundaries, Nonviolent Communication - - Reflections & Resources from 2/7 Gathering:
Kate Towle ❀️

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Reflections: Living Room Conversations
Jimena Cuenca ❀️
Marion transetti ❀️

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ResourcesTools & Skills Offerings
Conscious Leadership Practices Convening

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The Path to Peace
Julie Lillie ❀️
Julie Lillie Thank you for sharing your reflections and also really appreciated the Sufi story. So powerfully true: "We can’t escape what we carry with us, within us. We have to be the peace we seek. " [ more ]
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Julie Lillie πŸ‘

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Tending to the Heart of Our Movements

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Video Tutorial - Posting & Navigating
Frances Kraft ❀️

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Weave: Peace and Justice Group
Maria Oah ❀️
Julie Lillie πŸ™
Caren Stelson ❀️

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Inner Peace & The Flying V
Peter Digitale Anderson ❀️
Katya Jadwick ❀️

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ResourcesWeaving Organizations
International Association for Human Values & Cities4Peace
Katya Jadwick ❀️

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Are you a 'Creative Being'?

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Save the Date!

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May Day Peace-Building!
Frances Kraft ❀️

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How We Make Peace Today at 3pm EDT

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Re-Solutions: Setting Our Intentions for Peace & Justice in the New Year

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Meet-up + Resource Exchange: Share One, Get Two Free!

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Peace Through Action AmeriCorps: Service Sites Application Open!

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Implications of the New Conscious Leadership

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Feedback Requested - Group Next Steps

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Inner Development Goals Call for Input
Andrew Wainer πŸ‘

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Peace & Justice
Kate Towle ❀️
Maria Oah ❀️

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Hello Peace + Justice Group
Andrew Wainer πŸ‘
Maria Oah ❀️
Julie Lillie πŸ™

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Five Peace Actions
Katya Jadwick ❀️

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ResourcesWeaving Organizations
The Peace Pad
Peter Digitale Anderson ❀️
Katya Jadwick ❀️

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Quilting a Vision of Peace and Justice with You!
Maggie Osborn ❀️
Maria Oah ❀️
Julie Lillie πŸ™

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Engaging Our Best Self in Peacebuilding
Avi Dey πŸ™

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David Brooks on seeing people and dialogue

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Our Agreements
Katya Jadwick ❀️

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Gathering for Gratitude

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