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Learning Center DiscussionsStorytelling
Share your Story of Self with weavers
Wendy Yehia ❀️
Elizabeth Dishman Thank you for sharing your story, Rachel! I'm struck by the difference between "mold" and "weave" that you intuitively pursued. Lots of complex threads you've integrated so skillfully (and stubbornly πŸ™‚ . Bravo. [ more ]
Rachel Cannon A little of my story of self. I didn't belong. I didn't fit the molds that others cultivated or expected. My life often has felt like a confluence of paradoxes. A small girl who loved every sport I could find. A quiet athlete who thrived in roles of directing how the team played. An athlete who went home to devour everything I could learn from encyclopedias, sat in the bleachers before the game doing AP Calculus work, or taking a university engineering exam while teammates relaxed on the... [ more ]
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Learning Center DiscussionsStorytelling
Meet a member through a Relational 1:1
Sirena Smith I have been doing great with weaving. I have shared what it means to weave in the community. To be able to listen and learn of someone else’s experience and thoughts is and can be motivating.πŸ¦‹ [ more ]
Sirena Smith I am really excited to be apart of such an awesome organization. [ more ]
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Learning Center DiscussionsAction
What are the gifts you bring to your community?
Avi Dey Key weakness about bringing **gifts** to a community, be it via neighborhood free or small cost, resources as the local branch library and the community center, is being able to connect to others in a small group , food sharing events over a long period of time. An attitude of learning new and applying what is known to a shared challenge , connecting to philanthropy resource execute a worthy project requires talent leadership. For us, here at. Fairfax County, VA , local music before or... [ more ]
Dyah Miller ❀️
Toinette Neube Hello Everyone, Great to hear how others bring their gifts to their communities. I feel I bring the gift of Empathy and kindness to my community. I am a born empath (which is sort of like an achilles' heel), but I have learned to set boundaries but still work in my gifting. I feel kindness can be a by-product of empathy and it definitely is a characteristic I strive to walk in daily. I currently work in several capacities in my community from homelessness to running my non profit Nurture... [ more ]
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Learning Center DiscussionsAction
Find a buddy to work through Atlas CareMap module together
Kathy Solberg I welcome an accountability and exploring partner if someone is interested in having a buddy to work with. [ more ]
Maria Oah Hi @Angela Pancella and @Lauren Weinstock ! Thanks for your interest in having a buddy to work through the Atlas CareMap module. Might you two be interested in being each other's buddies? πŸ™‚ If so, Here are instructions for how to send a private message . Could be worthwhile to connect before the first session on March 14. Happy weaving! [ more ]
Kristyn Feldman ❀️
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Discussion CategoriesGrants and Funding Opportunities
Virtual Incubator for Early Stage Nonprofits
Dana Doughty ❀️
Martin V. Paye,Sr Anna, I'm pleased to apply for the Greater Sum's annual Pitch Competition. I will be glad to hearing from you. Martin +231886768441(WhatsApp number) [ more ]
Kristyn Feldman ❀️
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Learning Center DiscussionsGatherings
What have you learned when conversations get hard?
Maria Oah That's a really great learning, @Carol Wilson . There's so much power in slowing down and noticing what's happening in a conversation. [ more ]
Carol Wilson I have learned that it is helpful to be an observer of the conversation, even when a participant, which allows me to stay curious and interested in the other and direct my personal investment to our relationship rather than to my participation and position. [ more ]
Roger Gustafson One major learning I've received in difficult conversations is my tendency to close down or defend when conflict arises. I need to be alert to this tendency and challenge myself to stay with the conversation when I sense it rising up. Another learning is the freedom to choose how I see a hard conversation. I can choose the perspective of seeing it as an unpleasant exchange or as an opportunity to learn. [ more ]
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Discussion CategoriesGrants and Funding Opportunities
Get $50,000 for your small town weaving space
Ursula Kleinecke ❀️
Jeudy Mom ❀️
April Marie Doner Thank you for sharing! I've passed this along to the Solidarity Economy network listserves I am on. [ more ]
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Learning Center DiscussionsAction
Share your experience of sharing your CareMap with weavers
Rajiv Mehta Hi @Andy Swindler . Thanks for posting your reflections. I'll be sure to share your comments with Alison, Susannah and Luke. I'm sure they'll be delighted to know they've had such an impact. It is often eye-opening to share your CareMaps with others in our web of care, especially if you remain open to discovering that their perspectives differ from yours. Like your experience I think we're often surprised to learn how much positive impact we're having on others. Perhaps we just don't speak... [ more ]
Andy Swindler First, reflecting on the videos from this section: Alison Wagner - I felt a profound sadness when she talked about her and her friends' realization of how little care was flowing back into them as mid-life mothers caring for two other generations. I can relate in my own life how easy it is to feel like I'm giving more than receiving care. And then I was heartened when she talked about how they used this realization to redefine their friendships and provide more care for each other. Susannah... [ more ]
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Discussion CategoriesGrants and Funding Opportunities
Closes 01/30 - Get $25,000 to help Gen Z’ers meet β€œIRL” and weave connection
Kristyn Feldman Wow. This makes so much sense and yet I never thought I would read something like that! [ more ]
Kristyn Feldman πŸ‘
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Learning Center DiscussionsGatherings
What have you learned through the Circle process?
Maria Oah Hi @Karen Altergott Roberts ! We're so glad you're interested in joining a Circles group! πŸ™‚ We're in the process of organizing new groups and hope to have some up on the calendar in the coming weeks. Stay tuned for an update post in the community! [ more ]
Karen Altergott Roberts Sad that all circles seem to be full for the next few least that's what it looks like when I searched the calendar on line for an available beginners circle. [ more ]
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Discussion CategoriesGrants and Funding Opportunities
New Grant Writing course with free workshops in Weave Learning Center
Kristyn Feldman πŸ’―
Elisabeth Solchik ❀️
Frances Kraft ❀️

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Discussion CategoriesGrants and Funding Opportunities
Closes 03/01 - Get a grant to support your community gardening
Jeudy Mom ❀️

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Learning Center DiscussionsAction
Share your thoughts on potential next steps with weavers

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Learning Center DiscussionsLeadership
Practice your pitch with a weaver
Ashley (Ash) Esposito πŸŽ‰
Maria Oah πŸŽ‰
Frances Kraft ❀️

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Learning Center DiscussionsAction
Share your first CareMap experience with weavers

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Discussion CategoriesGrants and Funding Opportunities
Closes 02/22 - Be an Aspen Food Leader Fellow

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Learning Center DiscussionsStorytelling
Share your Story of Us with weavers
Kristyn Feldman ❀️

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Discussion CategoriesGrants and Funding Opportunities
Working with incarcerated or formerly incarcerated folks?
Tom Short ❀️
Jeudy Mom ❀️
Kristyn Feldman πŸ‘

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Discussion CategoriesGrants and Funding Opportunities
Closes 02/16 - Get up to $50,000 for projects that increase economic mobility in your community

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Discussion CategoriesGrants and Funding Opportunities
Closes 02/15 -- $10,000 for literacy programs operating near Dollar General stores

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Learning Center DiscussionsAction
Share your Seeing Care experience with weavers

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Learning Center DiscussionsStorytelling
Share your Story of Now with weavers

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